Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that offers automation services and licences for use by the public sector, including their associated bodies and agencies. Automation services are needed to streamline processes and systems for public sector customers.

The agreement offers the following services:

  • strategy and business transformation
  • problem solving with tech solutions
  • resources and training
  • software licences

How it Works




  • accessible route for suppliers – accessible for all suppliers (including SMEs) and suppliers can apply to join at any time
  • government specific terms and conditions (Ts&Cs) – these have been created based on an agile approach using the public sector contract
  • a dynamic filtering system – giving buyers flexibility based on their requirements. Suppliers receive notifications of competitions that are relevant to their service offering and buyers can easily identify potential eligible suppliers
  • supports innovation – suppliers can add new services (within scope) during the lifetime of the DPS, meaning buyers can keep up with fast-moving market developments
  • open to all public sector buyers – including central government departments and the wider public sector
  • access to Cabinet Office (CO) automation task force – receive advice and support from the task force who specialise in the implementation of automation technologies, services and licences