Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
attract and retain top it talent

How to attract and retain top IT talent

By . May 4, 2023
With IT talent so coveted in the current job market, building a team of highly skilled employees that are the perfect culture fit can be hard work.   And, once you have attracted the talent you desire the work isn’t over. Keeping those employees engaged and committed to staying in the business is a whole other challenge. Moving jobs is often more lucrative than staying in one job for an elongated period, so you’ve got to find ways to make it worth staying for the best employees.   In this blog, we are breaking down the best ways to attract and retain sought-after IT employees.    

How to attract top IT talent


1. Have a strong brand

  It’s not enough to put a job listing on LinkedIn and wait for the applications to roll in anymore. Yes, you could still try this, but, it might not attract the talent you’re looking for.   You want the people applying for your jobs to want to work for you specifically. And, how can candidates to know you before they apply for a role? Through your brand.   The best way to demonstrate what working for your company is like is through social media. Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok are great places to celebrate your brand and culture. Show off your workforce's passion for their role and you’ll attract people with similar enthusiasm.  

2. Streamline your interview process

  Interviews are not just for the employer to decide about the candidate, but equally, the place where the IT talent decides if they want to work for your company. Similarly, to how you can use your branding, make them want to work with you.   Make sure to show the best of your company and its unique qualities while also proving how valued the candidate is. IT talent is constantly in demand, so acknowledging this and their important role within your business is important. Explain how you will meet their needs in a workplace and it will help your company to stand out amongst competitors as truly understanding and appreciative of its workers.  

3. Offer flexibility

  Since the COVID-19 pandemic, a certain level of flexibility in work has become more commonplace - especially in technology jobs. Whether this is blended hours or remote working, having clear fluidity when it comes to working arrangements is preferred.   LinkedIn has found that though only 20% of jobs posted on the site are remote, they received 50% of job applications, demonstrating the move towards flexible working. Giving candidates the option of remote or hybrid work can help position your business as adaptable and understanding of the current working climate.  

4. Update your tech stacks

  To state the obvious - people in tech appreciate good technology. So, it’s important that you make sure that your technology infrastructure is up to date.   If candidates are being offered more advanced technology at their current job or other places they are interviewing, it could sway them against your company. Show you understand the importance of a strong tech stack by shouting about it in your job ads and at the interview stage.    

How to retain top IT talent


1. Offer growth opportunities

  When looking to advance their career and skillset, current employees can either search for a job elsewhere or take advantage of opportunities within your company.   If you make the opportunities to grow within your employee's current role accessible and clear, then talent will be less likely to begin searching elsewhere for the chance to progress.  

2. Have a great company culture

  Make sure that your culture is at the core of your business. To put it simply, employees join for the job and stay for the culture. If your IT talent feels nurtured, respected, and enjoys coming to work then why would they not want to stay in the business long term?   This is extra important when large portions of your workforce work remotely. It’s easy for them to feel out of the loop and become disillusioned, so making sure that remote workers feel included and enjoy their work can be what keeps them in the business.  

3. Let employees have their say

  Having open communication with your employees is an easy way to find out if they are happy in their roles. Whether that’s through surveys or regular 1-1s, your IT talent is more likely to express their true feelings if they are prompted. Be sure to ask what they like in the role as well as what your company could be doing better in order to best understand their wants.   Find out regularly what your talent values in a place of work rather than as a last bid to keep an employee who’s already halfway out the door.   This goes for perks too. Ask your employees what perks they would like to receive rather than taking a stab in the dark for them. They will value the things they have chosen and appreciate their inclusion in the decision-making process.     ***     If you’re looking to recruit top IT talent, we can help! Get in touch with our expert recruiters to find the IT professionals you need today.

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