Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

What does a software engineer do?

By . May 11, 2023
Looking for a new software engineer job? Or perhaps you’re considering starting a career in software? Software engineering is an essential aspect of modern technology and is a profession that’s in high demand across the UK. As an established IT recruitment agency with over 40 years of experience, Certes IT Talent & Contract is best… Continue reading What does a software engineer do? Read More

How to attract and retain top IT talent

By . May 4, 2023
With IT talent so coveted in the current job market, building a team of highly skilled employees that are the perfect culture fit can be hard work.   And, once you have attracted the talent you desire the work isn’t over. Keeping those employees engaged and committed to staying in the business is a whole… Continue reading How to attract and retain top IT talent Read More

Which are the Top 5 IT jobs that are in demand in the UK?

By . April 28, 2023
As the digitisation of services continues to intensify around the world, so does the demand for high-quality IT talent across the UK. Here at Certes, our team of tech, digital and IT recruitment consultants are plugged in when it comes to the latest IT opportunities, tech trends and digital news. That’s why we’re bringing you… Continue reading Which are the Top 5 IT jobs that are in demand in the UK? Read More

UK Government shares its new UK Digital Strategy

By . July 27, 2022
UK Government shares its new UK Digital Strategy With digital transformation and technology being key areas for the overall economic growth for the UK, the new UK Digital Strategy policy document could not have come at a better time. This article will cover key points of this new strategy and how this will affect the… Continue reading UK Government shares its new UK Digital Strategy Read More

What NOT To Do in the First Five Minutes of an Interview

By . June 30, 2021
Managers who hire and fire staff have seen it all when it comes to job interviews.  They learn to size up candidates early, with some claiming to know within the first five minutes if the person is the right fit for the job.  This seems unfair, given that the average interview lasts 40 minutes and… Continue reading What NOT To Do in the First Five Minutes of an Interview Read More

How Social Media Boosts the Job Market

By . June 30, 2021
More people than ever before are securing work via social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, research has found. According to StandOut CV and Job Description Library, social media has boosted the way professionals look for jobs, with more than half of UK office workers saying they used it to find their last… Continue reading How Social Media Boosts the Job Market Read More

What do Millennials, or Generation Y, Really Want from the Workplace?

By . June 30, 2021
A Millennial is someone born between 1980 and 1996 – in other words anyone currently 40 or under, and whose generation, increasingly, will make up the majority of the working population. According to research, Millennials earn 20% less, on average, than their parent’s generation, have double the student loan debt and make up the majority… Continue reading What do Millennials, or Generation Y, Really Want from the Workplace? Read More

What Employers See

By . June 30, 2021
Employers have to wade through a sea of candidates before they find the right person for their position.  Many have decades of experience interviewing staff and know instinctively when a candidate is lying or out of their depth.  Cliched answers are boring to hear and lack legitimacy.   The Covid-19 pandemic has caused unemployment to… Continue reading What Employers See Read More

Preparing for an IT Job Interview

By . June 30, 2021
Many people live by the maxim that if you fail to prepare, then you are preparing to fail.  This is especially important during an IT job interview.  As well as your standard set of interview questions, IT interviews will contain many specialist questions.  Employers may be interested in questioning you on your skills, qualifications and… Continue reading Preparing for an IT Job Interview Read More

Work-life Balance in the Post-Pandemic World

By . June 23, 2021
Making sure employees have a good work-life balance can be a difficult task for employers.  This is especially true following the coronavirus pandemic, which has seen more staff working from home and longer hours than ever before. Research suggests that firms will move towards more flexible working as a consequence of the global Covid-19 crisis. … Continue reading Work-life Balance in the Post-Pandemic World Read More