Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

What Employers See

By . June 30, 2021
Employers have to wade through a sea of candidates before they find the right person for their position.  Many have decades of experience interviewing staff and know instinctively when a candidate is lying or out of their depth.  Cliched answers are boring to hear and lack legitimacy.   The Covid-19 pandemic has caused unemployment to soar, especially among under 35s, with 2020 seeing the fastest growth in redundancies on record. Around 800,000 workers dropped off company payrolls in 2020 and economists have warned that unemployment is likely to climb even higher in 2021, after the furlough scheme is removed.   As a consequence, competition for jobs has never been tougher, so performing well in interview is vital to help you secure a position ahead of your rivals.   To avoid falling victim to typical interview fails always be truthful and informative.  Instead of saying, ‘I am a hard worker,’ give an example of your hard work and what the outcomes were.  Avoid using useless jargon when a description is a better route.  Although experience is generally what employers are after, if you can show a genuine desire to be a part of their team and you are likeable, they will tend to work with you in order to fill the gaps.

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