Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Certes win the Birmingham 10k small business competition.

By . December 20, 2018
The Certes team took part in the Great Birmingham 10K run and even with the rain our guys did amazing and smashed the competition.

Can you spot Amir and Niall crossing the finish line
  Certes also came first in the Men's small business team category with a combined time of 03:35:23 (The fastest four completion times).  

Along with the achievement of completing the run and winning the fastest team, the guys also managed to raise £690 for the Birmingham Children's Hospital.  

This is an amazing start in raising our grand total target of £3000 for the charity. Certes now have £2310 to go and we will be taking part in other events to reach the goal in the upcoming months.   Certes wants to thank everyone who has made a contribution in helping to raise money for this great cause and we would also like to thank the Certes teams for their outstanding effort.

Well done guys!

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