‘Crisis Talks’ Cyber Insights for 21st September from The National Cyber Skills Centre
It’s all a bit of a blur now, but you were approached by a major brand in the USA to make a small well-engineered sensor for a forthcoming market changing gadget. You jumped through all the hoops, all the due diligence and then ramped up production to meet this amazing opportunity.
The problem is that as a sub-contractor for ‘that client’ your company has now attracted the attention of others who are determined to learn the details of your design, understand your contract with ‘the client’ and see if in any way you are a weak link in a supply chain that if compromised would embarrass ‘the client’ who is one of the worlds most respected companies. Their determination has paid off, you have been breached and data that was labelled ‘company confidential’ and contained both your intellectual property and that of ‘the client’ is now starting to surface on the dark recesses of the un-Googled web.
It’s time to come clean, it’s time to admit to this failing, it’s time to let those who need to know : know. But who are you going to tell? And exactly what are you going to tell them? Welcome to the world of crisis communications, the prepared public mouthpiece of a cyber breach.
Suffered a cyber attack? Are you ready to face the music?
Read the rest over at Cyber Insights, brought to you by the National Cyber Skills Centre.
Certes specialise in IT staffing for all sectors and industries. We are now working with the National Cyber Skills Centre in order to provide staffing to companies in need of cyber security. For cyber security jobs, Click here.