Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Facebook at Work trial underway to encourage networking with colleagues

By . December 20, 2018
Facebook has launched a professional platform that enables workers to use the social networking site during office hours to communicate with colleagues, collaborate on documents and build contacts within their own industry.

In a bid to win over employers who often ban their staff from using the site during the working day, the social networking giant has introduced a pilot scheme, named Facebook at Work, hoping to convince companies that Facebook can be a useful tool within the workplace and that it can provide an effective way of liaising with colleagues working on shared projects.

Following on from a survey last year which revealed that more than 54% of companies ban the use of Facebook on work computers, the new site incorporates a white background instead of the existing blue one, and could act as a direct competitor to other career based social websites including LinkedIn and Yammer.

If Facebook at Work progresses past the pilot stage and makes its way onto the worldwide networking scene, the sites 1.35 billion existing users will be able to communicate more efficiently within an organization, whilst keeping their personal and professional Facebook profiles separate.  

Not dissimilar to LinkedIn, Facebook at Work could be a useful way of connecting with potential future employees and employers.

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