Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Flexible working hours seeing a rise in demand

By . December 20, 2018
It has been long thought that the biggest incentive for employee was salary, and although that is the highest demand (66%) other incentives are being considered as alternates. After Career Development (31%) and Location (26%), flexible working hours is neck and neck with a better work/life balance with (24% and 23% respectively).

Flexible working hours and work/life balance can be thought to go hand in hand and with the rise of millenial employees this incentive is becoming more important in an effort reduce turn over of millenial staff.

Employers are taking notice and are offering different flexible working options other than monetary incentives for their employees. 75% of employers are offering flexitime as options which it leading the way with  Part Time employment 74% in close second. Working from home (65%) and job share (48%) are other options that are being offered.

Out of employees asked 53% have flexible working hours whgile 31% want flexible working hours.



Source: Recruitment Buzz

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