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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

How to Build your Brand as an IT Employer

By . December 20, 2018
Businesses will often invest significant time and money into building a distinct ‘brand’. This helps to promote a consistent and recognisable image of their organisation and its values, which may influence people to buy their products or services.

However, it is equally important to develop a strong employer brand, which positions your business as a rewarding and enjoyable place to work. As an IT employer the race for talent is becoming increasingly tough and your employer brand needs to be strong enough to stand out to draw in the best IT talent on the market; whether that be permanent employees or contingency work and IT contractors. As the market for finding good skills is so competitive, time consuming and often costly, if you can attract unsolicited approaches from prospective candidates who want to engage with your employer brand, you’re already ahead of the game. Building a buzz around your employer brand is worth its weight in gold if done well, as it can attract high quality talent to your business and make the crème da la crème want to work for you! 

Here are our top three tips for creating a strong IT employer brand:

Map out your employer brand values, and better still define your ‘DNA’

If you can really nail down what you stand for as an employer this will provide the bedrock of all of your communication and will emulate to your job seeker market who you are, what you’re about and if you’re a good fit for them.  Having consistency over your message is also key, so making everyone in your recruitment process aware of your values and brand DNA, and ensuring this is reflected in all of your communication and processes will strengthen your presence in the market hugely.

Social Media? Stay Active!

In today’s digital age, social media is a quick and incredibly effective way to promote your employer brand. Fill your social channels with engaging content for prospective employees and maintain an active presence on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Try and deliver a balance of professional posts showing the high quality work your business is producing and also more lighthearted posts to give your employer brand a personal feel. This will also highlight your workplace as a fun and enjoyable place to be.

IT Recruitment is a brand experience too Stay Professional!

Companies that have comprehensive and well-structured recruitment methods will give a prospective employee that all important great first impression. There is nothing more destructive to your employer brand than a badly managed, sloppy recruitment process, with no feedback or poor organisation.  Prospective employees should be treated just as preciously as your most prized customers, make sure they leave your business with the best impression.  From how you advertise and present the career or contracting opportunities through to your interview process, recruitment specialists like Certes can help you build a robust and highly tuned recruitment process if you don’t already have one.  In addition to a bespoke recruitment micro site, where in the environment of our specialist job portal with a large active job seeker following, you can build a unique and engaging presence that will be seen by a large number of job seekers currently looking for IT roles.

Competitors? Be different!

Much like it is important to have a USP for your brand, it will always be beneficial to offer something different as an employer  - from small detailed aspects of your own unique recruitment and screening process to more tangible benefits, its always a very good thing to know what your competitors are offering and how you stack up against them.  Benefits schemes are a good place to start and there are many progressive brands already doing great things here; good examples include large companies such as Zappos which provide nap rooms for their employees and Innocent which provides free breakfast for everyone who works there! Although your gesture to employees doesn’t have to be this grand, offering small perks or unusual benefits will attract the best of the best and show that you care about making your business a great and rewarding place to work.

For more blogs about IT recruitment or for the latest jobs in IT, log on to Certes.  

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