Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Interviewing a candidate: How to de-stress the process

By . December 20, 2018
We have been giving tips aimed at candidates on how they can prepare for interviews, whether it is preparing for interviews over phone/video or advice candidates should take on board when at an interview. The interview process is a scary and even if the candidate is prepared, being in that situation can still make even the most qualified candidate quiver in fear.

You have already seen the candidates CV and they have blown you away with their accomplishments and qualification. You have contacted them to come in for an interview to find out more about them. They come to the interview on time, dressed professionally, greeting you, firm hand shake and after the general small talk is out of the way it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty. At this moment the pressure of the interview is taking its toll on the candidate and the candidate hasn’t put their best foot forward. This can cost them the position.

A poor interview could mean that the interviewer could miss out on an amazing new employee. To prevent this from happening employers should take it on themselves to remove the tension from the interview.

Interviewers can take easy steps to accomplish a calm environment for an interview.  One such step is letting the candidate know what the interview will entail (additional interviewers, interview format, discussion topics). This will give the candidate time to prepare and remove some of the stress as they know what expect.

If more people are attending the interview you have already notified the candidate. You should also introduce the candidate to the other interviewers before the interview begins so the candidate can familiarise themselves but try to keep the additional interviewers to a low number. There is nothing more stressful than being in front of an audience. A small intimate interview group will allow for the conversation to flow easier and the candidate will not feel as if they are being scrutinised from every angle.

We already mentioned making small talk with the candidate. This plays a bigger part than you think. Before they even meet, your candidates mind is going a mile a minute. The small talk will relax the candidate, make them feel welcome. Treat the candidate as a guest. Once the conversation is going try not to stop it abruptly and begin the interview, this could remind the candidate that they are in an interview and reality could come crashing back down on them. Instead, try to seamlessly intertwine the simpler questions you have ready within the conversation and ask the more difficult questions as you go along. This eases to candidate into the interview and by this time the candidate should feel at ease.

Examples of question topics to start with are:

  • Asking the candidate to introduce themselves
  • Interests/skills
  • Jobs on CV
  • Roles in previous jobs.

These questions are those that candidates can answer easily and freely.

There may be times when you have multiple interviews back to back or other prior engagements and you may be running over schedule. The worst thing you can do is rush the interview. This will increase pressure that you have tried so hard to remove. Don’t pay attention to the clock, pay attention to the candidate. The whole purpose of the interview is to find out about them. Show them that you are interested in them. Also take time for the candidate to ask you questions.

When finishing the interview, end it how you began. Conversation, inform the candidate of the new steps, a firm hand shake and see them out.

Removing the stress from the interview environment will allow the candidate to be them self and will see the person that they are and if they are the perfect match for your role.

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