Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Just like any other interview: things to keep in mind for phone and video interviews

By . December 20, 2018
The interview is the most daunting part of the job hunting process. It use to be that candidates would have to travel to where their potential employers were located and depending on the distance could be very troublesome for candidates, such as being stuck in traffic, getting lost or travel costs.

To avoid these mishaps, employers are gravitating towards phone and video interviews.

Candidates receive a huge benefit while being interviewed with these methods as the candidates travel cost, journey or the location of the premise is removed from the equation. In all this takes away some stress for the candidates.

But the main question is how do you handle an interview over the phone or video?


Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Do not go into a job interview blind. Being under the spotlight has the tendency to make your mind go blank. If possible keep a copy of CV close at hand for quick referencing.

Interviews are a chance for employers to find out more about you. It is also a way for you to find out more about the company and other roles that your job will entail. Prepare some questions for the employer and take this opportunity to gather more information.


Dress to impress

Just because you’re in your own surroundings, don’t get comfortable. You might think that having a phone interview this wouldn’t matter and would be more appropriate for video interviews, but if you dress for the interview you will feel more confident. For video interviews it shows the interviewer that you are taking the interview seriously.


Your location

Some of us may live with families or roommates and thus background noise will be a given. Be sure to have a room that minimises the noise. Beforehand, inform the people that you live with that you will be having an interview and also make sure that the room that you are in is tidied up, especially for a video interview.


Can you hear me now?

If you are attending a phone interview, your best choice would be to use a landline as mobiles may have problems with reception. If you can’t avoid using a mobile, ensure that your mobile is fully charged. The same should be done for your computers/laptops if you are doing a video interview. If you can, keep your laptop plugged in and hardwired for internet access.


You speak so eloquently

Even with a face-to-face interview you will need to speak clearly. If the previous tips are in place then this will be easier to do so. Remember, you’re trying to show that you’re the person for the job; if you can’t communicate that over the interview then the interviewer will undoubtedly think that you will not be able to communicate well working for them.


Although you feel more at ease in your own home, you should treat your phone or video interview as any other interview.

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