Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Legal sector embracing new technology

By . December 20, 2018
Many sectors are applying new technologies in their operations, but a sector that is slowly accepting this change is the legal sector.

Law firms are taking steps into welcoming IT and implementing new technologies which are predicted to see a high increase in the next decade. This will see many changes in the legal sector with workflow and storage being vastly improved.

Having a virtual office and a method to archive documents are the biggest impact that new technologies would have on law firms. 

Although, many firms in the legal sector are discouraged in adopting new technologies with a large portion of firms stating that they are 'Reluctant to change operating processes', 'Overly cautious [about] adopting new technologies' and have 'Security concerns'. Only a small amount of firms feel that the cost and time associated with new technology is a hurdle.



However, despite some of the reluctancy to adopt new technologies, law firms will see benefits and major changes to how they operate within the next 10 years, such as:

  • Paperless offices
  • Cloud based applications as the primary application
  • Virtual offices and remote employees as the new norm
  • Increased legal process outsourcing
  • Law library replaced with e-books


For more information, read New Technologies Disrupting The Legal Sector from Raconteur. 

Source: Raconteur

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