Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Managing the difficulties of on-site, cloud IT environments

By . December 20, 2018
The swift adoption to new technologies are becoming integral to companies but at the same time they are making it difficult for companies to manage their expanding IT environment which includes new applications, infrastructure, and devices accessing corporate resources. The task to ensure manage and secure the IT environment in the company is with the IT managers. How can they manage the new IT environment?

Where services depend on shared resources it can be very difficult to effectively manage the services especially if resources are working together on-premise and cloud.

Effective service management is difficult where services are reliant on shared resources, and is even more challenging when some of the resources are on-site and some of the resources are in on cloud servers. This can have an effect on:

  • Controlling remote devices
  • Maintaining visibility into virtualised resources
  • Achieving demanding SLA’s for critical business applications

Technologies that are already in place in a company may not get replaced when other technologies or service become available for example a company may implement cloud based services but continue to provide infrastructure services and host applications on-site. Due to this, IT managers are facing challenges from both the legacy and new technologies. A single tool may be needed that can enable IT managers to provided management across all of the platforms and this can be costly.

Factors Driving Change

New technologies are pushing change for companies while improving productivity. The biggest technologies currently driving change are:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Mobility
  • Big Data

Management Impact

The implementations of cloud, mobility, and big data for IT companies are that IT managers must now manage these new technologies in conjunction with their legacy infrastructure and applications. The ever evolving nature of IT requires new tools to allow synergy between legacy and new technologies. However this increases the difficulty to manage.

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