Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Preparation is the key to winning

By . December 20, 2018
Going into anything unprepared could be the thing for your failure. If you are going for an interview preparation is the key to winning as 93% of employability comes from preparation.

For an interview, a lot of areas need to be prepared for from travel time, first impressions to body language. This is all things that can affect your interview for better or worse depending on how much that you prepared for it.

A big area that you should definitely prepare for is what the company you want to work for does. 47% of interviewees who do not research the company are not hired.



You should prepare for these five areas for every interview that you go to. Preparation will help you to make a great first impression to your future employer and could steer the entire interview in your favour. It will also help you to control your nerves better and become more comfortable during the interview. 


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