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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Recruiters and recruiting technology

By . December 20, 2018
For anyone to succeed the right tools need to be put in place. After all “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. For recruiters to have the right tools in place to advertise the ‘next amazing job opportunity for candidates, processing CV’s of the crème de la crème and contacting client can alleviate the rigmarole of being without.

“91 Percent of Recruiters Use Recruiting Technology”

A study compiled by Software Advice, a company that reviews and compares recruiting software, has shown that a majority of recruiters are using some form of recruitment technology or software in order to place candidates in specific roles.

From the study 33% of the 91% that use recruiting technologies believed that recruiting the use is extremely important for high job performance and 56% believed that it is very important. 2% thought that the use of recruitment technology is moderately important while 9% noted that they do not use any form of technology in their recruitment besides emails and job boards.

Importance of Recruiting Technology for High Job Performance

Software advice delved in deeper to why the 9% were not using technology to assist in their recruitment. 50% stated that a limited budget was the most common obstacle to adopting recruiting software. 25% thought the manual method to be less complicated and quicker.

Top Obstacles for Recruiters Who Don’t Use Technology

Even though the cost of technology is a factor for recruiters to incorporate recruiting technology most say that the benefits of using recruiting technology outweighs the costs associated with them. 93% of recruiters who use technology felt that using recruiting software was either extremely or Very beneficial in comparison to the costs.

Certes embraces technology use and believe that using recruitment technology and software is essential, it will never remove the recruiter from the equation in any way as recruitment is a people business but it allows Certes to access our database of over 250,000 candidates and another million available through our online partners. Recruiting technology has also opened the doors to screen potential candidates with the use of project management and business analysis capability assessment tools and full background checks to BS5758 level if required. Certes also uses innovative web based recruitment tools that offers our clients access to the markets most innovative online interviewing tool TalkingCV™. For more information on how Certes can help you find your new role or provide staffing for you needs visit

For more information about recruiters and the technology that recruiters use you can visit Software Advice

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