Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

Schools Out (For The Summer)’ this weeks Cyber Insights from The National Cyber Skills Centre

By . December 20, 2018
In the next few weeks the exam season will start to slow down, hassled teachers will lift their heads seeing the long holidays approaching and many schools will start locking their doors and shutting up shop until mid August. Before we know it we will have the annual news stories hitting the headlines as the exam results for both GCSE and A Levels are released. Will standards this year have risen? fallen? who knows. Then the schools start to crank back up to full speed; new pupils, new parents, new timetables, new courses, new staff and lots and lots of new data.

The education industry is the third highest industry sector to suffer a reported cyber breach, according to figures from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), behind only health and local government. 

What could schools do over the forthcoming long summer holiday? How about getting their cyber house in order? 

For more information visit the National Cyber Skills Centre: Cyber Insights

Certes specialise in IT staffing for all sectors and industries. We are now working with the National Cyber Skills Centre in order to provide staffing to companies in need of cyber security. For cyber security jobs search our site.

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