Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

SQL and Cyber Security skills in demand

By . December 20, 2018
SQL has topped the list of the most sought after skills across both contract and permanent roles for the second quarter running, according to the spring edition of Certes’ 4Sight skills review.

Meanwhile, the highest increase in demand during Quarter 2 was for ASP.NET WEB API and Cyber Security skills, as businesses become increasingly aware of the damage that a security breach can cause.

Demand for IT professionals in both permanent and contract roles was highest in the banking and finance sector, with opportunities in retail, telecoms and marketing coming in closely behind.

The top five most demanded job functions included developer, analyst, project manager, business analyst and architect, whilst SQL, Java and SQL Server were the most in demand programming languages.

To find out more about the most sought-after IT skills and the latest rates and salaries, sign up to receive Certes quarterly 4Sight review by clicking here.

Cyber Security job vacancies at Certes

To learn more about Cyber Security jobs available through Certes click here.

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