SQL has been named the most sought after skill once again in the latest edition of 4sight, for contract roles. In permanent roles however, .NET has taken the top spot with SQL dropping out of the top 5 altogether.
For contract skills, Windows, Oracle, Java and HTML skills completed the top 5 respectively. However there was contrast in the top 5 Permanent sought after skills with C#, HTML, Java Script and Linux joining .Net as the most sought after skills.
In other areas, Banking, Finance & Investment also retained its position as the sector with the highest demand for IT skills, with Retail, Telecoms, E-commerce and Marketing also named in the top five sectors, with some variation in demand across contract and permanent positions.
In the top 5 demanded job functions there has been a new addition to the top 5 in the shape of Business Analyst, however Developers remain the most sought after. Finally SQL has also kept its top spot as the most demanded programming language.
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