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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
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’Uncommon Sense’ Cyber Insights for 20th July from The National Cyber Skills Centre

By . December 20, 2018
Scams have been around for a very long time, in fact, dodgy deals done by wheeler-dealers are almost part of our heritage. For those of a certain age the names ‘Del Boy’ or ‘Arthur Daley’ spring to mind. Those camelhair coated fictitious rogues who could sell dubious products to an unsuspecting public were willing to cut corners and use any information they could obtain in order to make an ‘honest’ bob or two.

In fiction this is fine and we are all usually on the side of the wheeler dealers believing that underneath it all they do have a heart of gold and are just working in a way that only fractures the law, as opposed to snapping it completely. In the real world scams of any nature are upsetting and can lead to all manner of financial, professional and personal woes. Consumer TV shows for years have talked about the unsuspecting public being duped by tradesmen, by door-to-door sales people, even by criminals pretending to be charities. Scams in all forms continue to finesse their offerings, making it harder and harder to see through them. 

Online scams continue to grow but using some common sense can make individuals less of a target


Read the rest over at Cyber Insights, brought to you by the National Cyber Skills Centre.

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