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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

What is the coalition between the improved job market and job seekers using social media?

By . December 20, 2018
It’s good news for job seekers. The job market is improving and with that people who are looking for vacancies now have more options.
The improved job market seems to be reaping benefits for jobs seekers and it turns out that it is becoming easier to find a job. According to research from Jobvite, 65% of job seekers asked are finding it easier to find employment compared to 39% from 2012, that’s an increase of 57%.

The results above shows job seekers who say it is harder to find jobs

Due to the better nature of finding employment, does this mean that job hopping will also increase? In a word, No. Let’s look into the IT sector. Jobvite explains that 53% of Software/Tech employees are satisfied with their current position; however they are open to new opportunities. This shows that even though it is easier to find a new job employees will remain where they are. So who are the most likely to leave their current role? According to the Jobvite’s research, the highly sort after  millennials are twice as likely to leave a job after just three years compared to previous generations. Surprisingly the IT sector shows the most job change frequency with 50% in this sector switching jobs every 1 to 5 years.

What is evident is those aged between 18 and 29 – Millennials, see their current position as an entry level post which they are using as a “stepping stone”. Millennials are in need of experience and will gain the experience in what they want to do, where they can until they acquire the skills needed for their dream job.

So far we have seen that it is easier to find new employment than it was a mere three years ago and the generation that are more likely to look for a new job are millennials. Millennials are adept with technology than previous generations and 47% are using mobile technology to search for their new role. It is also pointed out that job seekers and employees will spend some time searching for jobs on mobile with a majority of job seekers spending up to ten minutes. The ease of mobile job hunting allows for applying for jobs anywhere. Funnily enough most mobile job hunting is done in bed with searching while commuting is a close second.

  Job seekers are  also using social media more to aid them with their job searching.  It is shown that millennials in the IT sector prefer using Twitter than Facebook and LinkedIn.

  Is there a coalition between the improved job market and the use of social media? Yes, but its is down to the times that we live in. Technology that simplifies tasks are being used for nearly everything including job seeking. Millennials are accounting for a large segement of the workforce and these are the workforce that have knowledge and use social media the most. For more information on the Jobvite survey, visit here   If your looking for you next IT role using social media feel free to connect with use on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. You can also go to to search for more IT job vacancies.

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