Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

What skills are in demand in Q2?

By . December 20, 2018
According to Certes 4Sight review, the demands for skills have changed slightly for both contract and permanent IT employment.

In Q1 contract and permanent employers were seeking Microsoft skills as their number one demand. In Q2 Microsoft skills have been removed from the contract and permanent and replaced with HTLM and .NET respectively.

For contract, the demand for Web Services and HTLM5 skills have increased and have pushed Oracle out of the top five demanded skills

For Permanent, jQuery has entered in the top five demanding skills list taking the place of Microsoft.

Surprising the skills with the highest demand increase is windows 10. This demand could be down to a couple of reasons such as companies using Microsoft’s latest operating system or that Windows 10 has now integrated the use of the Bash command-line shell that can enable users to Linux based command lines.

Though not as much of an increase in demand compared to Q1, Cyber Security is still seeing some increase in demand ranking 2nd for contract employment and 3rd in permanent.  Although Data protection can be seen as a form of Cyber Security, this skill has had an increase in demand in permanent employment.



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