Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
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Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

‘What’s My Motivation?’ this weeks Cyber Insights from The National Cyber Skills Centre

By . December 20, 2018
What are you up to today? Anything nice? When the alarm went off at silly o'clock this morning did you jump out of bed, run 5 miles, eat a perfectly balanced breakfast and then get into the office early to continue your journey up the career ladder? If you did, then congratulations I’m right behind you. What about your boss, what get's them up and moving this morning? Or your work colleagues, or your friends? Essentially what is your motivation?

Although many will find it difficult to admit the motivation is usually money. Making enough money to live a relatively comfortable life - depending on what your definition of that is. You will put up with a few stresses, annoyances and complications just as long as at the end of the month your pay packet arrives. Did you know that a cyber-criminal is motivated by the same? The vast majority of cyber-crimes are financially motivated. Sure there are those intent on a morale crusade, and there are the state-sponsored attacks but scour any statistical report that is looking into the motivation behind cyber-attacks and it all comes down to making money.

Cyber criminals are more motivated to steal from you, then you are to prevent them. 


Read the rest over at Cyber Insights, brought to you by the National Cyber Skills Centre.

Certes specialise in IT staffing for all sectors and industries. We are now working with the National Cyber Skills Centre in order to provide staffing to companies in need of cyber security. For cyber security jobs Click here.

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