Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM
Digital Transformation Through Agile Delivery
IT Agility AbilityTM

‘Who You Gonna Call?’ this weeks Cyber Insights from The National Cyber Skills Centre

By . December 20, 2018
So it’s happened. You really had hoped that it wouldn’t, but hope has let you down and you have run out of luck. A cyber breach has occurred, data has gone, you are not sure how, when or by whom. Your mind now starts to wonder if this was an attack, or perhaps a disgruntled employee? - after all you have just completed the latest round of HR reviews and some people were disappointed with the pay rise that was offered – What’s going to happen now? Do you tell your customers? Do you tell your suppliers? Should you be drafting a statement to put on your website? Perhaps you need to gather all the staff and talk to them, but then what will they say? Damn, you had been warned this might happen. It’s a mess and it’s going to get messier.

If that happened to you, what would you do? Have you ever wondered? Many companies have a critical incident policy in place that can be acted on should the worst happen, but precious few have one in place for cyber. 

So, who would you call in to investigate it? 

Read more over at Cyber Insights, brought to you by the National Cyber Skills Centre.

Certes specialise in IT staffing for all sectors and industries. We are now working with the National Cyber Skills Centre in order to provide staffing to companies in need of cyber security. For cyber security jobs Click here.

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